"what is education without enlightment? It's mere conditioning. And what is mere conditioning but maintaining mass ignorance, the poisoning end of what we call 'civilization'. There is nothing more dreadful, more dangerous, nothing to be more feared in this world, than plain or fancy ignorance. We can see this today in the drift towards conformity. We can see it in the education of modern-mass society. You can blame education for much of this because education has not seen what we have needed as a free people. It has not provided enlightment. It has provided conditioning instead."
Frank Lloyd Wright gave this speech in 1957 to a group of students..
1957 = we declare our independence..
2007 = marks 50 years of the event
i got this problem...students never (0.0001% seldom) ask me after my lecture..when i ask "o.k,..any question?"
everybody either say yes or no...i know, as a first year students this thing happened ..as what i had experienced it during my early years in education..
that is about 17 years back in 1990..when the petronas twin tower was merely a mode of ideas..17 years and now the same problem occurs to my first year students*..
DEJA VU ?...
someone** up there should do something..as nothing seems to be done to "correct" the "syntax error"...
* terms and conditions applied
**eventhough i mostly aggreed that "you're the navigator of your own destiny"
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