Learning is usually thought of interms of “learner” and “theacher” in a specially equipped places called “classroom”.... But actually it is an activity that take place whenever an individual responds knowingly to a stimulus....“learning” philosophically means acquiring new knowledge, skills and even wisdom....
Consequently, it can or might occurs any where a stimulus may be encountered ....That means every setting should have an educational potential....The idea is that when more than one person is present the “potential” is increased (as we do came along with different experiences and perceptions)....That means all the arrangement of space should employ all the available recources to expedite and enhance the learning experience...
We could increased the educational potential of many other places simply by making certain of their nature of function is unstandable to anyone who encounter them....This is a learning process that can be materially influenced by appropriate design features....The stimuli of learning resources that may be provided will vary greatly with the setting of the “learner’s room” which to intensify the learning experiences....What ever the level of stimuli, the ambient conditions must be suitable i.e with appropriate lighting, acoustic, ventilation and a safe place to sit or stand in comfort in order to absorb the information....
learning can occurs when ever there is a source of information....there should also be more non academic “spaces” where the “learner” can interact ....as these “spaces” should not be viewed as merely utilitarian adjuncts of the teaching spaces themselves....there are an integral part of the educational setting....therefore the layout must be designed to foster out-of –class learning just as the “education spaces” must be designed to foster in-class learning.....
to be a learning center and a complex of social organization, it must serve the purpose of a “campus” ; where ever the location is ....
Consequently, it can or might occurs any where a stimulus may be encountered ....That means every setting should have an educational potential....The idea is that when more than one person is present the “potential” is increased (as we do came along with different experiences and perceptions)....That means all the arrangement of space should employ all the available recources to expedite and enhance the learning experience...
We could increased the educational potential of many other places simply by making certain of their nature of function is unstandable to anyone who encounter them....This is a learning process that can be materially influenced by appropriate design features....The stimuli of learning resources that may be provided will vary greatly with the setting of the “learner’s room” which to intensify the learning experiences....What ever the level of stimuli, the ambient conditions must be suitable i.e with appropriate lighting, acoustic, ventilation and a safe place to sit or stand in comfort in order to absorb the information....
learning can occurs when ever there is a source of information....there should also be more non academic “spaces” where the “learner” can interact ....as these “spaces” should not be viewed as merely utilitarian adjuncts of the teaching spaces themselves....there are an integral part of the educational setting....therefore the layout must be designed to foster out-of –class learning just as the “education spaces” must be designed to foster in-class learning.....
to be a learning center and a complex of social organization, it must serve the purpose of a “campus” ; where ever the location is ....